Worship With Us
Sunday at 10AM
Our worship service is a vibrant, music-filled gathering that meets you wherever you are on your faith journey. We offer a blend of traditional and contemporary music, with a concise, meaningful sermon of around 12 minutes. This message is crafted to connect deeply with your life, offering practical and spiritual insights.
A Holy Conversation
In the Reformed tradition, we believe worship is a conversation between God and God’s people—a time to listen, respond, and be renewed. It’s not just about hearing words; it’s about engaging in a sacred dialogue. Through Scripture, prayer, and song, God speaks to us, and we respond in praise, gratitude, and faith.

Children are warmly welcomed and included in the service. Partway through the service, they are invited to depart to a special Children's Time shuld they wish to explore the Scripture reading in a more developmentally-appropriate manner.